XVL Web3D Publisher Based on WebGL
From now on, what was previously only achievable via plug-ins, is now possible without time-consuming installations: The representation of 3D models in spare parts catalogs with CATALOGcreator® using the new technology by Lattice Technology: The XVL Web3D Publisher based on WebGL offers a very convenient solution that is not only user-friendly and loads 3D models quickly, but also incorporates essential security aspects and is extremely convenient for the end user.

Previously, it was only possible to display the highly compressed 3D models with XVL technology in spare parts catalogs with the help of plug-in installations. Due to the mandatory installation, the use of the 3D models was limited to Windows and Internet Explorer. However, the use on tablets and smartphones was excluded. A new technology has been established to display 3D models on all devices without additional effort: WebGL (Web Graphics Library).
Conversion of XVL Models to WebGL
The new tool in Web 3D Publisher – XVL Converter Server – ensures that CAD data is converted into the new 3D technology WebGL and can be used independently of browsers and platforms. You no longer need to install your own player, because the installation is directly integrated into the CATALOGcreator® software. Thanks to JavaScript, this process runs without installation in the browser. The new integration solution offers an optimized representation of 3D models on all devices for the customers and end users of spare parts catalogs.
Security is Paramount
Although the format is compressed, an alienation does not take place automatically. However, security remains a very important aspect for 3D models generated directly from the CAD system. XVL Web3D Publisher for WebGL implements the security standard of XVL models in the Lattice Technology solution.
The new “shape up” function ensures that the shown dimensions of the shown parts are not reproduced in their original state, therefore no details can be determined. A random generator distorts the geometry individually thus providing copy protection. The high security standard is an essential criterion that differentiates Lattice Technology’s solution from other WebGL providers.