Industry Trends​

Today's trends are tomorrow's reality

Service is the
new product​





Space Cowboys and
the Battle for Talent​

Smart Information
enables Smart Services ​




Service is the new product​

The idea behind after-sales & service has changed completely in recent years and will do so even more in the future - at least on the part of suppliers. Customers have always been interested in comprehensive service, while product providers have often seen the provision of spare parts and services as more of a chore. In the digital economy, service "eats" the product; new business models virtualize the product and replace it with a service - which depends quite significantly on service.

The bad news is that manufacturers who cling to the traditional after-sales model risk getting into serious trouble sooner rather than later; this is particularly true for suppliers of technically sophisticated products in the B2B market. However, there are also two pieces of good news. First, establishing a service-based business model offers significant advantages. And secondly, mature software systems make the transition possible from any individual current state.​

Do you know our Whitepaper?

Read our white paper "Services are the new product" on the industry trend servitization now.​


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Hello twin

Knowing what the machine is missing 10,000km away

Digitalization is turning our world upside down in almost all areas. Not only products are becoming smart, but also their creation. Digital data is created in design and manufacturing, but also during use, and is available to all process participants throughout the entire product life cycle. A digital twin is created.

The connection of all information belonging to the product enables new business models, which in turn require new forms of product support. The Digital Information Twin is the basis for maximizing product availability and efficient service. Quanos provides the software tools that help create the Digital Information Twin.​

Download Whitepaper now

Read our whitepaper "Quanos and the Digital Information Twin" on the industry trend Digital Information Twin now!​


Download Whitepaper

Access via remote​

With the cloud-based technology myPlant*, customers of the gas engine manufacturer INNIO, can manage their plants securely and in real time from anywhere. By remotely accessing their machine's Digital Information Twin, customers control the operational performance and profitability of their gas engines and benefit from unprecedented insight into the performance of their industrial assets. INNIO's myPlant* solution can improve plant availability and efficiency and reduce total lifecycle costs. ​


Learn more about our Reference Story here:

INNIO and the Digital Information Twin​