Code of Conduct


Ethical and social business practices are a top priority for Quanos. The Quanos Code of Conduct describes the responsibilities and obligations that must be observed by all Quanos employees and directors – both internally and externally. The Code of Conduct is intended to be an authoritative guide to the conduct expected and required of all company employees and office holders. Quanos is proud to promote a corporate culture based on respect, integrity, and collaboration. The Code of Conduct applies in equal measure to all affiliated companies of the Quanos Group.

Download Code of Conduct

Compliance with the law and applicability of the Code

The provisions of the Code of Conduct apply to all office holders, managers, and employees of Quanos and its subsidiaries. All provisions of the Code are enforced consistently and equally to all of these people. Compliance means not only adhering to the law, but also conducting business in a way that recognizes and satisfies the individual’s own ethical and social responsibilities.

In instances where the applicable laws are less restrictive than this Code, compliance with this Code applies. However, if the applicable laws are more restrictive than the Code, compliance with these laws applies accordingly.

Fair employment practices

Quanos is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to fair employment practices. Equality, inclusion, and integrity are core values.

All Quanos employees are responsible for maintaining a workplace that continuously:

  • Adheres to our core values LeadingDedicatedConnected and implements them in everyday life.
  • Pursues a clear vision and strategy.
  • Promotes creativity, innovation, and development.
  • Safeguards and maintains integrity and respect in our dealings with each other.
  • • Supports collaboration towards our common goals and commitments.
  • Concludes all employment and business-related decisions irrespective of race, skin color, national origin, indigenous status, religion, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental disability, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
  • Protects the privacy of the individual.
  • Guarantees occupational health and safety.

Quanos does not permit or tolerate discrimination or (sexual) harassment of the individual; in particular not on the basis of race, skin color, national origin, indigenous status, religion, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental disability, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. The same applies to bullying and physical violence. Furthermore, all employees share responsibility for meeting the equal employment opportunity obligation.

Fair conduct in business

All Quanos employees and office holders are obliged to demonstrate fair treatment of employees, suppliers, and business partners, customers and their customers, and all other stakeholders. All business-related matters and negotiations must be conducted on an ethically appropriate and legal basis.

Quanos does not tolerate manipulation, the concealment of misconduct or wrongdoing, misuse of confidential information, deliberate misrepresentation of material facts or any other behavior that would adversely affect the reputation of our company or the welfare of individuals. We expressly prohibit bribery, fraud, extortion, and corruption when conducting business.

We are in favor of fair and free competition and respect the right to form associations within the legally tolerated framework and to conduct the associated negotiations.

Gifts and benefits

Quanos recognizes that appropriate gifts and benefits exchanged between Quanos (including its employees) and its customers, suppliers, and business partners help build stronger relationships, recognize special efforts, and reflect customary social and business practices in the cultures of most countries in which Quanos operates. However, inappropriate or excessive gifts and benefits may violate laws and regulations, in particular when an exchange of gifts or benefits would reasonably be viewed as an inducement to secure preferential treatment. It is expressly prohibited to give or accept inappropriate or disproportionate benefits.

Political activities

Employees who engage in political activities must diligently avoid giving the impression that they are speaking or acting on behalf of Quanos and must not mention Quanos in this context when privately involved in political, religious or social issues.

Employees who are considering running for public office or holding public office must inform Quanos of their intentions. An assessment of whether and how such a position will affect the terms and conditions of employment with Quanos and any associated impact on the working relationship must be accepted.

Employees who choose to participate in political activities shall not do so during working hours or use company funds or resources to support such activities unless expressly authorized in writing by Quanos, represented by the management board.

Political donations

Quanos does not make political donations. Similarly, no Quanos employee is permitted to make donations, monetary gifts or gifts in any other form to political parties or affiliated organizations on behalf of Quanos.

Child labor

We strictly reject any use of child labor. No individual under the statutory minimum employment age shall be employed by the company.

Sustainability & environmental protection

We take our responsibilities seriously and continuously implement processes as part of our ESG strategy, in order to better understand matters such as the environmental impacts and risks that we cause or are able to influence. We are working to reduce these impacts and undertake appropriate measures and activities, and promote a sense of responsibility for protecting the environment.

IT security and data protection

Quanos considers IT security and data protection to be very important in minimizing security risks and thereby protecting ourselves, our customers, and our business partners. Observing the relevant legal regulations, applicable company guidelines, and compliance documents is binding, in order to ensure and maintain compliance. We undertake regular employee training. Our guidelines, processes, and measures are regularly reviewed to ensure that they are up to date and effective.

Business partner & supplier commitment

This Code of Conduct defines requirements that we also place on our business partners and suppliers in the areas of human rights, labor standards, health and environmental protection. They are expected to meet their social responsibility when conducting all business activities and to continuously improve their performance in this regard, and also to comply with applicable law and other binding regulations.

Final provisions

All employees must be familiar with and comply with this Code of Conduct. Leadership personnel and the management board bear a special responsibility for ensuring compliance with the Code of Conduct.

All employees have the right to report possible violations of laws or binding internal regulations within the company, including violations of this Code of Conduct. Suitable processes and a reporting office have been established in accordance with whistleblower protection law.

Any violations of this Code that are identified shall be subject to appropriate sanctions. They may also result in criminal charges, external investigations, and civil proceedings. Quanos cooperates with the competent government authorities in accordance with the applicable laws.

The management board is authorized to amend and supplement this Code of Conduct. The up-to-dateness, appropriateness, and effectiveness of the Code will be reviewed regularly and, if necessary, on an ad hoc basis.

Nuremberg, December 2023

Nikolaus Scholz

CEO Quanos

Respect at Quanos

Ethics and social responsibility are deeply rooted in Quanos’ DNA, and it was not only the creation of this Code of Conduct that made us aware of this. As part of the “Connect the People” project, the ATMOS team conducted a survey aimed at the entire workforce. It clearly showed that Quanauts want to work together on equal terms, with empathy and tolerance prevailing, with the aim of creating a working atmosphere in which everyone in the company can feel comfortable.

The result makes it clear what respect means in concrete terms at Quanos and the pieces of the respect puzzle that were identified were also filled with meaning through this joint project. These results, together with the Code of Conduct, serve as a guideline for cooperation at Quanos.

Download Code of Conduct

Our core values

On equal terms

What does “on equal terms” actually mean?

We can view other people as being above or below us when it comes to their value, knowledge, expertise, and many other attributes. This automatically leads to us perceiving ourselves as either superior or inferior – and with this to an upgrading or downgrading of our own self-worth. This may in turn be expressed in how we interact with one another.

How do you establish equal terms?

  • Take a fresh approach every time you encounter someone, without judgment or expectations
  • Question your own attitude: do you overestimate or underestimate your own self-worth in relation to the other person?
  • Nobody‘s perfect - important here is the intention to treat others on an equal terms


What is empathy?

Empathy is trying to put yourself in another person‘s shoes.

How do you behave empathetically?

  • Perception: How does the other person feel?
  • Understanding: Why do they feel that way?
  • Anticipation: How will the other person react?
  • Response: How do I react?

Essential here is respectful, clear and constructive communication.


What is tolerance?

Tolerance is the patient, accepting and fair treatment of people with different physical characteristics, behaviors, affiliations, beliefs, and customs to your own.

How do you behave tolerantly?

  • See “On equal terms”
  • Actively set boundaries without exception when you encounter intolerance and accept the boundaries set by others






What is appreciation?

Appreciation is a perceptible positive evaluation of another person.

How can you appreciate others?

  • Treat other people with respect, kindness and recognition

  • Important qualities in this regard: Attentiveness, interest, consideration, and friendliness.

  • Appreciate the person in every regard.

  • Deliberately assume that others have the best intentions.