Successful together with our customers
For over 30 years, more than 1400 customers worldwide have placed their trust in Quanos' innovative, successful and sustainable products and solutions for after-sales service and technical documentation.
In addition to the strategic importance for the creation of value at the customer, our customers appreciate our passion for the specific issues, our creativity for solutions and our innovations in product form at Quanos.
From small and medium-sized enterprises to corporate groups
Our customers are as diverse as the scenarios in which our products are used. Innovative medium-sized businesses and globally active corporations and holding companies are just as much a part of this as educational institutions and public clients. Among them are companies from the top 20 in German mechanical and plant engineering, but also hidden champions from all industries.
We are just as comfortable with pragmatic approaches in small scenarios as we are with structured procedures in large projects, because for us the customer and his requirements are always in the foreground. We are all united by the aspiration of our work: to realise the desired goals in partnership in order to actively shape the future.
Our Industry Champions
Our customers and their customers: Successful in all industries
Our customers are manufacturers and operators of machines and systems who prepare and provide smart information about their products in after-sales and service.
They supply and support customers in a wide range of target industries. From manufacturing companies, the pharmaceutical industry to the food industry, customers benefit from smart information just as much as those in the automotive and supplier industry, medical technology, the software industry and other sectors.
Individual software solutions for all industries
At home in DACH - known all over the world
Successful companies from all industries and of all sizes from all over the world rely on Quanos products.
In addition to many manufacturers and operators from the D-A-CH region and their global subsidiaries, manufacturers and operators from the USA, Europe, Japan and other Asian countries also rely on the Quanos portfolio.
Our clientele continues to grow
In 2022, among others, Quanos have opted for: