Why Quanos is leaning into AI
AI is revolutionizing machine and plant construction and taking the industry to a completely new level. It drives companies’ efficiency, precision, and innovative power, making them leading lights in their industry. Thanks to AI, they can minimize downtime, automate quality checks, and enhance production processes. As such, this technology has the potential to revolutionize machine and plant construction and take it places it’s never been before.
At Quanos, we see AI as a mix of methods. Using a large language model such as ChatGPT or an intelligent chatbot isn’t our top priority. What we’re interested in is the added value it offers for technical writing and aftersales and service teams over the long term. So if an AI application lets us get on top of the challenges that matter to these teams, we go for that solution. We divide AI into three categories at Quanos.

AI as an electric bike
Some technologies support existing processes and the steps that go into them, rather than fundamentally changing them. Whether you’re on a conventional bike or one with an electric motor, you’re still riding a bike – but the electric bike makes it faster and easier.
Quanos AI can drive productivity, lower costs, and get customers what they want more quickly. It puts people on the fast track to achieving their goals, without making substantial changes to their processes – much like an electric bike. Boosted by AI, our software solutions help users focus on what really matters and achieve more in less time.

AI as a steam engine
James Watt’s steam engine heralded the industrial revolution, dramatically changing the reality of people’s lives and work. Its success meant that it was used to power other machines as well, and it had an unrivaled influence on the distribution of goods as a locomotive.
AI can revolutionize the way we work, just as the steam engine once did, by giving us new, scalable possibilities for more strategic action and opening the door to unprecedented processes and approaches. Quanos AI lets companies adapt to new challenges more quickly in their day-to-day work and makes it easier to use new approaches - as the steam engine did in its day.

The AI treasure chest
Our product information is a veritable treasure trove bursting with new, digitally supported business models. Artificial intelligence lets us access the wealth these treasures have in store.
Quanos AI can be like reaching into a treasure chest for your company. It analyzes existing data that may have gone overlooked, links it intelligently, and gives it a brand-new sparkle. The result is creative and practical applications that would have once seemed out of reach. Thanks to this, our AI-driven software solutions create the basis for new, completely unprecedented concepts, processes, approaches, and business models that benefit the people who use AI-supported software solutions by Quanos.
Poster: AI@Quanos - Your key to the treasure chest of data!
Our poster shows you how Quanos' AI tools can make your processes more efficient, more productive and smarter. Whether as a supportive e-bike, transformative steam engine or valuable treasure chest - discover how AI can unleash your full potential.
Technical writing and aftersales and service are all about
communicating information in an efficient, understandable way.
Barriers to communication need to be broken down, and new
ways of sharing information built up through technological
progress - the key here is smart information. Artificial intelligence
helps us achieve this goal.
And that’s why we are using AI to enhance our entire product
portfolio.As the leading provider of software solutions for
aftersales, service, and technical documentation, we see AI
as an opportunity to make machines more understandable
for people.

Quanos AI for aftersales and service
Access product data by speaking with a chatbot or an AI assistant and get all the information you need – including links to spare parts shops, documentation, and product details. Or go a big step further – and think about identifying spare parts via photos. Sound like science fiction? Quanos AI is making it a reality.