What is the Schematics extension?
With the Schematics extension, you can integrate comprehensive electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic diagrams into Quanos SIS.one.
All information is used for the direct data transfer from the ECAD system without intermediate formats or logic losses, which is necessary for efficient navigation in electrical documentation.
And what does the Schematics extension look like?
Whether troubleshooting, spare parts research, online ordering of spare parts or signal tracking: With the Schematics extension, your technicians have full access from anywhere to all electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic diagrams that you have for components, assemblies or the entire system.
It goes without saying that our software, and thus also the Schematics extension, is especially designed for the needs of your technicians in the field and can be used on any mobile device.
Click on the image to get direct insights into the software.
With the Schematics extension, you can integrate comprehensive electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic diagrams into Quanos SIS.one. All information is used for the direct data transfer from the ECAD system without intermediate formats or logic losses, which is necessary for efficient navigation in electrical documentation.
This allows your service engineers to:
- Troubleshoot effectively
- Carry out signal tracking easily
- Search for operating resources efficiently
- Browse spare parts quickly
- Order spare parts correctly
The Schematics extension offers:
Standard interfaces for fully automatic transfer of electrical projects from the ECAD system into Quanos SIS.one, including complete logic
Bidirectional linking of electronic and mechanical data
Navigation through circuit diagram pages, operating material designations, positions, connections, and links
Ordering of electronic parts directly from the circuit diagram
Thats what our customers say

„The fact that our […] catalogs support both mechanical and electrical documentation is rated positively by our customers and service engineers. The option of signal tracking across multiple drawing sheets has been very well received in particular. It serves as an excellent tool for resolving electrical faults.“
Oerlikon Management AG Claus Blank | Design
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