Automation in SCHEMA ST4

Speed up processes through seamless integration

Technical writing departments are often places where large quantities of information are collected and distributed, and are therefore extremely well networked. Data often flows either manually or interfaces must be programmed and managed within complex processes. But what about if you had a tool that renders both options obsolete?

Automation in SCHEMA ST4 allows you to speed things up





Collaboration and information exchange

There are so many things that would just work better automated. Repetitive tasks, for instance, and the exchange of information. The same goes for processes within a company. SCHEMA ST4 has the solution for all this: Automation. Gone are the days of countless mindless clicks, of incorrectly and incompletely performed processes, and complex interface programming. With automation, this is all automatic – and without the need for any programming.There are so many things that would just work better automated. Repetitive tasks, for instance, and the exchange of information. The same goes for processes within a company. SCHEMA ST4 has the solution for all this: Automation. Gone are the days of countless mindless clicks, of incorrectly and incompletely performed processes, and complex interface programming. With automation, this is all automatic – and without the need for any programming.

Automation design

The exchange of information in companies is largely defined by processes. One department releases the data, another takes care of the transfer, another makes changes, and so it goes on. There are typically multiple systems involved that are designed to exchange data between themselves in processes that are often visualized in flow diagrams. These clearly lay out which data should flow where, when everything has to happen, and what decisions need to be made. Such diagrams formed the basis for the Automation Designer, a tool for SCHEMA ST4 that interprets processes from your technical writing department in the form of diagrams and implements them automatically.

Combine your content management system with other data sources and target systems

With the Automation Designer, you can make the processes and interfaces used for your documentation work run smoother, faster, and with more automation than ever before. This allows you to combine systems with ease and guarantee the flow of data.

Data from other systems automatically finds its way to the right place and is assigned the correct metadata to allow further processing. You can use the time saved in this way to focus more on content creation, future target formats, or new concepts for your technical documentation.

Webinar recording: Automation in a nutshell

SCHEMA Live: Automation step by step