ST4 Web Editor

Simple-Efficient-Fit for the Future

ST4 Web Editor is the editor for the efficient creation and maintenance of content in technical documentation. Developed as a seamless addition to SCHEMA ST4, ST4 Web Editor is the only XML editor of its kind designed exclusively for the requirements of ST4 users.

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What is ST4 Web Editor?

ST4 Web Editor was specially developed for optimal integration with SCHEMA ST4 and is therefore the perfect solution for every user – regardless of whether they work with ST4 regularly or only occasionally. As a free standard editor, it is already integrated into ST4 Cloud and ST4 Web Author.

What sets ST4 Web Editor apart?

Optimum interaction with ST4:

ST4 Web Editor is not simply yet another editor – it is a tailored assistant for your ST4 workflows. Its specific functions make your work with ST4 even better and more straightforward.

User-friendliness as a key benefit:

No cluttered user interface and no superfluous features – ST4 Web Editor delivers the essentials, packaged in an easy-to-learn environment. Your work is a breeze, thanks to familiar symbols and an intuitive design.

Work that is fit for the future:

As a web-based application, ST4 Web Editor is perfectly suited to the requirements of modern working environments. It is a central component of ST4 Cloud and ST4 Web Author and it prepares you, step by step, for the future of technical documentation.

Who would benefit from ST4 Web Editor?

ST4 Web Editor is perfect for anyone who

  • … finds MS Word insufficiently robust and XMetaL overly technical.
  • … wants to integrate writers into ST4 with minimal training.
  • … wants to be fully prepared for the future ST4 Cloud.
  • … is looking for a new future-proof editor for ST4.

The advantages for you:


Faster and more efficient than Word and XMetaL, meaning unbeatable productivity is guaranteed.

Future-proof and scalable:

Web-based, perfect for ST4 Cloud

Convenience and Usability:

Perfectly tailored to the requirements of ST4, easy to learn and use.

Robust XML handling:

Parallel XML view at all times, complete XML compliance for all content.

Intelligent features:

Automatic completion of XML structures, auto-save feature and more – for seamless work processes.

Alternative editor:

Developed for all users who are looking for an alternative to XMetal or Word.

SCHEMA ST4 is flexible

We can of course implement any individual requirements that you identify as relevant in your processes or interfaces with third-party systems of other technical writing teams. All you have to do is ask! We can also boost SCHEMA ST4 and provide specific functions, if required. The following options are available:.


Quanos InfoTwin is an SaaS offering for technical documentation (content delivery) and service/aftersales activities that allows you to distribute large amounts of product-related information from SCHEMA ST4 and other online and offline sources, giving your users the opportunity to find the right information in a matter of seconds. This increases quality and customer satisfaction whilst reducing your service costs. With Quanos InfoTwin you can turn your technical documentation into digital added value!

Learn more about Quanos InfoTwin

Create documentation at any time and from anywhere and still be really easy to use? Welcome to ST4 Web Author, the future of the CCMS!

Discover ST4 Web Author

All the benefits and full functionality of ST4 - but in the cloud. And in combination with ST4 Web Author. A great combination!

Discover ST4 Cloud

Want some metadata right from the platter? No problem with ST4 AI Jetpack! You provide the artificial intelligence with content, and in return you receive the relevant suggestions. The result? Faster allocation of metadata!

Discover ST4 AI Jetpack

Sustainable optimization of ST4 with minimal effort? Exactly! With our ST4 Smart Extensions, we offer you specific solutions - from automation to completely new, intelligent functions. This puts your technical writing department in the fast lane with SCHEMA ST4.

Discover ST4 Smart Extensions

Standardize and automate recurring tasks. Configure it straight in SCHEMA ST4 and your automation solution is ready to go! Whether you are creating automatic nodes, uploading data from the PLM system, or starting production in a number of variants - in ST4, you simply implement your own automation requirements.

More about Automation

Even the standard version of SCHEMA ST4 allows so much to be achieved. For particularly individual requirements, we can modify your SCHEMA ST4 to suit your particular needs, or we can support you in creating layouts, workflows, and much more.

More infos about solutions

Moving images without additional software? Yes, in SCHEMA ST4 you can bring movement to your callout graphics with Callout in Motion. This makes animated step-by-step instructions super easy and your documentation much more vivid.

Be a part of the future of technical documentation with ST4 Web Editor. Optimize your work processes, enhance your productivity, and benefit from the trusted quality of SCHEMA ST4.


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