Karlsruhe students deliver SCHEMA content all the way to Japan
In a joint study project, students at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences and the University of Aizu in Japan compiled technical information on current topics like 3D printing and app development. The aim of the project was to model and structure the content, and then to semantically classify and manage the intelligently enriched content in modern component content management systems to make it available for use in content delivery solutions. The team from Karlsruhe received support and advice from our Solutions department.

The Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (HsKA) and the University of Aizu (UoA) formally entered into a teaching and research partnership on 01/03/2018. The first cooperation project took place under the auspices of the Communication and Media Management course at the University of Karlsruhe. As part of the “XML-based Information and Content Management” Master’s course taught by Prof. Wolfgang Ziegler, the students at both universities produced content, enriched it to become intelligent content and published it digitally using modern technologies.
The international student team at the UoA had the task of producing the content. They compiled professional technical documentation and project reports on 3D printing and app developments and shared the reports with the team at HsKA.
The HsKA team analysed the prepared content and added it, partly as modules, in our SCHEMA ST4 component content management system. The modules were further enriched using metadata such as PI classification and other semantic models in order to produce “intelligent information”.
The students then published the content to our SCHEMA CDS, the Content Delivery Server, on which intelligent content can be filtered on the basis of its metadata until only the content being searched for is left. The team used the SCHEMA Portal in a browser to access the SCHEMA CDS. At this juncture, the students followed the content to the other side of the world, namely the land of the cherry blossom.
After successful implementation, the students presented their results directly on site at the ACM Conference 2019 in Aizu. Delivering using the SCHEMA CDS meant the Aizu team could reuse, translate and manage the prepared content. Not only this, using the SCHEMA Portal they could access and filter the intelligent information from more or less any end device with internet access.
During the project we were able to support the students not only with our software, but also with our specialist know-how and expertise. Our SCHEMA CDS Product Owner from Development Jochen Marczinzik and our Solutions Consultant for Content Delivery Tim Rausch assisted the team from Karlsruhe with advice and support. The project partnership arrangement between HsKA and the UoA will continue next year, and we will be on hand to lend our support once again!
What the students at the University of Karlsruhe had to say about the project
About Anja Wilhelm
As well as the opportunity for cultural exchange with our cooperation partner from Japan, for me personally what I got the most from was comparing the free development of an information model to working with a CMS, like SCHEMA ST4, and the experience of working with system-supported intelligent content delivery.
About Anita Ahmadpour
What I personally enjoyed about the cooperation project was working closely with students at the University of Aizu and being able to bring together theory and practice in an intensive way. The fact that we were able to use a professional content management system and content delivery portal gave us very useful insights into working with metadata both on a practical and a theoretical level..
About Karla-Brigitte Hanczaryk
Es war für mich eine große Bereicherung durch die motivierten studentischen Kooperationspartner der University Aizu die vielfältigen Anwendungen neuer Technologien kennenzulernen. Es war sehr interessant zu erfahren, wie Service-Informationen durch den Einsatz des SCHEMA Portals gezielt verteilt werden können. Die Entwicklung von intelligenten Textservices hat mich dazu motiviert, mich über das Projekt hinaus mit tiefergehenden Verfahren wie Machine-Learning und Text-Mining zu beschäftigen.
I learned a great deal from gaining experience with the versatile application of new technologies together with the motivated student cooperation partners at the University of Aizu. It was fascinating to see how service information can be distributed in a targeted way using the SCHEMA portal. The development of intelligent text services have motivated me to study more in-depth processes like machine learning and text mining in future.
If you teach or study at a university and would be interested in working with SCHEMA ST4 or SCHEMA CDS, we would love to hear from you! Please get in touch with us by e-mail at partner@quanos-content-solutions.com for further details.
Read more about the partnership between the University of Karlsruhe and the University of Aizu