Quanos Connect Strengthens Its Position as an Industry Event for Technical Writing, Aftersales, and Service with Quanos Connect 2024

Why product information in the industry needs to be linked now

Nuremberg, 05/16/2024 - In 2024, Quanos Connect was once again able to position itself as one of the leading industry events in the field of technical writing, aftersales, and service. At the Nuremberg trade show on May 14 and 15, over 650 experts from the machine and plant construction sectors discovered software manufacturer Quanos, more than 25 exhibiting partner companies*, and a comprehensive program of specialist presentations and interactive sessions on the subject of "Connections Matter".

In over 70 program items, big-name firms from the machine and plant construction sectors shared their experiences and challenges when creating smart product or spare parts/service information in their technical writing departments. A total of 18 companies were represented in the program, including Mercedes and Toyota.

"Last year we started the ball rolling with Connections Matter that sends a clear message to the machine and plant construction industry: without product information that is digital and linked centrally, companies are simply not prepared for the challenges of modern times. Only those who do their homework in this regard will be able to face up to the challenges posed by demographic change, the associated shortage of skilled workers, and new business models due to servitization or the European Green Deal, for example. At Quanos Connect 2024, we were able to get the ball rolling again and show how this looks in practical terms. Creating smart information requires people with a passion for smart information and support from specialized, pragmatic AI and software solutions, all of which come together at Quanos Connect," explains Nikolaus Scholz, Quanos CEO.

Artificial intelligence is here to stay

At Quanos Connect, Quanos welcomed a new company member in the form of the AI professionals from plusmeta.

"With the hype around artificial intelligence in 2023, many people have been asking themselves how far AI can be integrated into day-to-day work routines to enable different tasks to be completed more efficiently. plusmeta has been working with artificial intelligence since 2019, which gives us a clear advantage in terms of know-how. Creating smart information requires metadata that usually has to comply with various standards, norms, or guidelines. This—previously manual—metadata assignment task will be taken over by our AI software solutions, significantly reducing the workload for the specialists involved. Being part of Quanos means that we can identify, investigate, and promote additional pragmatic applications for AI in the industry," says Dr.-Ing. Jan Oevermann, Managing Director of plusmeta.

Quanos Connect 2024—a resounding success

In addition to specialist presentations from the industry, Quanos Connect also provided an exciting insight into the current state of development of the entire Quanos product portfolio. The latest development with respect to the web-based version of ST4 was presented, with an announcement that the future of the system lies in the cloud. For cloud-based information portal Quanos InfoTwin, service activities were introduced —a new feature that automatically provides service technicians with all the information they need for specific maintenance steps on particular machines. For Quanos SIS.one, Quanos' solution for creating digital spare parts catalogs, new approaches to service management were presented.

The evening event in the soccer stadium near the exhibition grounds was also a resounding success, as human connections were made thanks to numerous networking opportunities in a sporty atmosphere along with top catering.

The Quanos Connect 2024 program concluded with the keynote speech entitled "Today is the best day of my life" by Norman Gräter, an expert in mental health and motivation. With his expertise, he was able to demonstrate how to remain hopeful despite increasing work and other pressures in life.

 *Quanos would like to thank all exhibiting partner companies and professional associations, including: Aleido, Acrolinx, Arineo, Carstens + Partner, CCS, doctima, Dokuschmiede, Dokuwerk, eDok, etteplan, FDI, ICMS; Kaleidoscope Congram, Kamradt, kontron, kothes, Lattice, oneword., Pantopix, RWS Trados, SL innovativ, Solvares, Tekom, T3, Transline, TXTOMEDIA