Support Policy

1. Quanos will provide support to rectify errors in the software during the term of the support contract.

2. Quanos provides the Customer with a support hotline by telephone, email and web (ticket system).

3. The Customer will inform Quanos of any errors via the ticket system and cooperate in the localization of errors. In particular, the Customer will (i) provide Quanos with verifiable documentation on the type and occurrence of errors and (ii) indicate how the error manifests and affects itself and under what circumstances it occurs.

4. The support services are provided by Quanos during business hours Monday to Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with the exception of  December 24 and 31 (hereinafter "Working Day(s)" or "Business Hours"). Inquiries are processed as follows during Business Hours:


Definition of

      Quanos performance


Error preventing operation

  • Response time: No later than 8 hours* after receipt of the error message.
  • Troubleshooting time: Quanos will begin troubleshooting within 16 hours* of receipt of the error message and will continue to deploy staff until the error has been rectified or a workaround solution has been found that is reasonably acceptable to the Customer.


Errors that impede operation

  • Response time: No later than the next Working Day after receipt of the error message.
  • Troubleshooting time: Quanos will begin troubleshooting within two Working Days following the error message and will continue to deploy staff until the error has been rectified or a workaround solution has been found that is reasonably acceptable to the Customer.


Errors that restrict operation

  • Response time: Within five Working Days following receipt of the error message.
  • Error resolution time: Quanos will provide an initial response to requests for additional information or clarification within five Business Days following the error message and will consider a workaround and program improvements in a subsequent update if necessary.


Other errors, immaterial errors, minor errors

  • Such errors will be corrected in one of the next updates as part of the normal further development of the software.


*Only hours within Business Hours will be calculated. 


An error preventing operation exists if the use of the software is impossible, for example due to malfunctions, incorrect work results or inadequate response times or non-availability.

An error that impedes operation exists if the use of the software is severely restricted and the restriction cannot be circumvented by reasonable organizational measures.

An error that restricts operation is deemed to exist if the use of the software is restricted, this defect can be compensated for in the short term by the Customer's own measures, but the existence of the error is so restrictive that the Customer cannot reasonably be expected to accept the error remaining for a longer period of time.

Another, immaterial or minor error exists if the error can be circumvented without reducing productivity or otherwise has no decisive effect on the usability of the software.

5. Services based on reports from the Customer that are attributable to incorrect use of the software, in particular troubleshooting when the Customer reports user problems caused by improper system settings made by the Customer, are not covered by support. Quanos is entitled, at its own discretion, either to invoice the expenses incurred for such services separately at the then current hourly rate or to offset them against the quota set forth below.

6. Quanos provides the Customer with a quota of 36 hours per contract year for initial advice on user problems not caused by the Customer (hereinafter "Hotline Quota"), during which the Customer may call the Quanos hotline. If the Hotline Quota is not used up, it expires at the end of the contract year. If the Hotline Quota is exceeded, the Customer shall be informed and the time exceeding the Hotline Quota shall be remunerated by the Customer at the then applicable hourly rate.

7. In addition to the services described above, Quanos offers the Customer additional services from the Quanos service catalogue. These can be ordered additionally and are subject to a separate written order. These are, for example, support for the Customer through consulting, Customer-specific adaptations to the software, adjustment of the standard software for adaptation to individual requirements, training and individual support services extended in terms of time and/or content (e.g. support times beyond the Hotline Quota).