The Quanos Software Portfolio for Technical Writers
A lot has happened in recent years at Quanos. The merger of Quanos Content Solutions and Quanos Service Solutions has allowed us to establish a broad portfolio that enables the service, aftersales, and technical writing teams to generate and distribute smart product information. In this blog article, we look at the portfolio from the perspective of the technical writers.

ST4 is an indispensable part of a professional technical writing department, and is already familiar to many. For those who aren’t, here are the most important aspects:
Technical writers create highly complex content every single day with the aim of describing products in a safe and legally compliant manner. Not only that, but the content has to be produced for countless variants, in a variety of languages, and in many different formats. This can take a great deal of manual organizational effort if there aren’t any tools like SCHEMA ST4 to call on. Content management systems like ST4 focus on the organized re-use of content so that changes only have to be made to one piece of source information, which is then referenced in all target publications. With ST4, this is possible at chapter level, but also down to an individual word or variable.
An important difference between ST4 and classic DTP software is the separation of content, structure, and layout, so you create your source modules and reference them in the structures and layouts you need. Layouts are defined once for each target format and only automatically applied to the defined structures once published.
In doing so, ST4 constantly takes into account the practical work of technical writers. You can easily create modular content in Microsoft Word or XMetaL and reusable layouts in the user-friendly Page Layout Designer, which has been specially developed for this purpose. With ST4 Automation, you can automatically network with other systems in your company or within the team.
ST4 Web Author
Content Management systems and how they function are naturally well-known in the industry, but has the peak been reached? We don't think so. Editorial systems have evolved across the board into highly functional toolsets for technical documentation – but they no longer want to be operated from just one location.
Therefore, our editorial system SCHEMA ST4 is now available in a web-based version. With this innovation, it is possible to create technical documentation directly in the browser from any location. This development aims to sustainably improve the workflow of technical documentations and offer a groundbreaking solution for efficient and collaborative work.
At the core of the web-based version of SCHEMA ST4 is the system's own editor, providing users with new possibilities for easy writing. The user interface is extremely user-friendly while maintaining the robustness and XML conformity that distinguishes SCHEMA ST4. Thus, ST4 is as easy to use on the web as any other CCMS.
Quanos InfoTwin
Digitalization is finally the word on everyone's lips, and most technical writers are well prepared for this challenge: smarter, product-descriptive content for all your products forms a perfect basis for providing all digital information in one place – a digital twin, so to speak. The next step is networking with other product content in your company as well as central provision in the cloud. Which is exactly where Quanos InfoTwin comes into play.
Quanos InfoTwin takes content delivery to the next level. What if you could inspect 3D models or drawings of your products, identify spare parts numbers, order spare parts, and find a description of how to exchange spare parts in the same place? All this is possible with Quanos InfoTwin! Thanks to Quanos InfoTwin, users of your products – whether they be operators, maintenance staff, or your own colleagues – can find all of this information in a single location: the digital twin of your product.
Next-Level Technical Writing With Quanos
As you can see, Quanos offers a wide range of professional software that provides the right solutions for different requirements. Whether creating smart content or generating a digital twin of your product, with Quanos, your technical writing department becomes the central hub for digitalization.
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