Marketing Digital Services: Avoid These Three Mistakes
Machine and plant manufacturers can offset a fall in turnover from the purchase of new machines by digitalizing the services they offer. To ensure they market their services successfully, they should steer clear of the following pitfalls.

Digital services such as operator models, spare parts portals with a shop function, and remote services help your customers navigate the commercial challenges they currently face. Yet, machine manufacturers also benefit from digitalizing their aftersales and other services, and the creation of new business models.
In order to successfully develop and market digital services, there are a few things machine and plant manufacturers need to watch out for — and some typical mistakes to avoid.
Mistake 1: You do not offer what your customers want.
Do you know what the most pressing challenges are for your customers? Or which problems your customers encounter that your machinery is able to overcome with flying colors? You should find out the answers to these and other similar questions by speaking directly to your customers and develop services with them that address the real-life needs of machine users.
Focusing on the user when developing new products and services should be obvious, yet surveys show that the priorities manufacturers deem important often differ from those customers value. For example, plant operators rate openness of services higher than machine manufacturers.
So, avoid developing services that don’t meet your customers’ needs.
Mistake 2: You regard the digitalization of services as a milestone.
Digitalizing and marketing aftersales services is a long-term commitment that does not end as soon as you set up a spare parts shop. First you should check your existing services and digitalize them, develop new services relating to your machinery and plant together with the customer, put together service packages, and set prices.
Then, market the services you have to offer, gather feedback and data, and continuously optimize and scale your services. It’s important to keep an eye on the market and make sure you don’t get left behind where trends such as 3D printing, predictive maintenance, and AI are concerned.
So, stay on the ball even after digitalizing your services and, ideally, make use of flexible and scalable IT solutions.
Mistake 3: You neglect internal marketing.
It’s not only your customers you have to win over with your services, but also your team. Involve the aftersales, service, and sales professionals within your company from the beginning and communicate goals and pending changes transparently.
If your employees are impressed by your new, digital offer, customers will follow suit.
Guide to successfully marketing services
Take a look at our white paper on marketing digital services to discover the obstacles lurking on the journey toward digital services and how your whole company can navigate the way there as easily as possible.
Get your guide now to help you on the path to digital aftersales services. The free white paper equips you with valuable tips for successfully digitalizing your services and offering your customers an outstanding service experience.